Qliphothic Initiations 4: A’arab Zaraq

The fourth sphere of the qliphoth is A’arab Zaraq, otherwise called, Harab Zaraq, and is the qlipha of Dark Venus. It is here that initiates will come face to face with their desires, and from this manifest the ability to pursue them. Passion and violence meet head on here in the sphere of Dark Venus, allowing a dark alchemy to take place.

In A’arab Zaraq practitioners are initiated into the dark forces of Eros and Love. Through the mysteries of Dark Venus, the initiate learns how to become a warrior. A vital lesson that needs to be integrated before moving on throughout the nightside of the tree.

Ba’al is the traditional Ruler of the Qliphothic shell, though Tubal Qayin, and Venus Illegitima are also seen as rulers of this shell of Venus of the Nightside of the tree. Click here to read about Ba’al and other Dark Venus spirits.

7. A’arab Zaraq: Dark Venus

Lessons of A’arab Zaraq

Path of the Lover: It is with the sphere of A’arab Zaraq, that initiates learn the path of the Lover. This is a path of deep affection toward the world, a surrender to the current of love itself, where initiates learn of the essence of love and adoration.

Path of the Warrior: To be a lover, is to be a warrior. If not for the things we love, then why do we fight? In the sphere of A’arab Zaraq learn to stand up for themselves, go after their desires, and fight for love as well as those we love.

Sexual Manifestation: In A’arab Zaraq initiates learn how to use their sexual energy as a tool of manifestation and energy manipulation. This includes but is not limited to tantric skills, and the use of ones own sexual force as a magnet to attract or repel.

Sexual Alchemy: In A’arab Zaraq initiates learn how to utilize their sexual forces as a tool for enhancing relationships, personal development, and enlightenment. This is both with themselves and other initiates.

Platonic Love: Love is multifaceted and how we love different types of connections is as well. In A’arab Zaraq we learn the many facets and forms of love and partnership, including friendships.

Love of Knowledge: The force that drives many of us to learn, to fill the gaps in our knowledge and understanding is fueled in this sphere, by love itself. This can manifest through learning in order to better take care, provide for, or teach those we love, or it could be learning how to be a better lover, or the love of the pursuit of knowledge. Learning and love go hand in hand here.


Venus Illegitima, otherwise known as Isis, or The Black Madona, is one of the rulers of the sphere of A’arab Zaraq, or Dark Venus. A spirit, the Goddess known as Isis, came to me in 2018, catapulting me into a world unlike anything I’d ever known. The changes that occurred both within side me and physically are massive and undeniable.

I accepted Isis as my Matron Deity and Spirit in 2021 and have been working intimately with her and her current ever since. This was a switch away from where I had been and shifted me towards The Left-Hand path. I will be making future posts about her and my journey with her in the future and will link those here at that time.

Iset or Aset originates in Kemetic mythos but is referenced as Isis in Crowley’s texts. “The Dark Goddess” and “The Dark Mother” are additional names for this goddess. All of these are but names, faces, and facets of she– the Dark Venus. This sphere has other rulers, but she is the one who I have done the most extensive of work with, and so it is she I will focus on here.

After originating in Kemet as Iset or Aset, Isis became synchronized with Roman and Greek mythos. I see these two spirits as connected, though separate as well. When I met Isis, she asked me to call her that Isis, and not Aset, this was to separate her from the Kemetic lore and pinpoint how I was specifically to work with her. Isis had cults throughout Rome and Greece. It is from these cults that some scholars believe Christianity derived. Isis in one aspect is a spirit of resurrection, redemption, and healing. In another aspect she is similar to Apollo, a goddess of prophecy, transformation, and magick.

Within Crowley’s texts, and more specifically the sphere of A’arab Zaraq we meet the forces of Venus Illegitima, or Isis. Like the Greeco Roman Isis, she is a spirit of transformation, alchemy, astral travel, weaving fates, and dark manifestation.

I will be making more posts about her in the future, as well as expanding on the spirits of this current of magick and qlipha.

Bibliography & Other Resources:

Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant (Frederick Muller, 1977)

The Shadow Tarot by Linda Falorio (Linda Falorio, 2014)

Tree of the Qliphoth by Asenath Mason (Temple of the Ascending Flame, 2016)

Visions of the Nightside by Asenath Mason (Black Tower Publishing, 2013)

Liftoach Ish a Gamaliel by Edgar Kerval (Draco Press, 2020)

Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie (Llewellyn Publications, 1987)

Qabalah, Qliphoth, & Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson (Ajna Bound, 2017)

The Rites of Acharayim: A Guide to Qliphothic Self-Initiation by VK Jehannum


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